Getting started

aiida-sssp-workflow is an AiiDA plugin contains workflows to running pseudopotential verification. It runs delta factor calculation and convergence testes on cohesive energy, phonon frequencies, bands distance and residual pressure, which reflect the precision and the softness of the given pseudopotential.


Use the following commands to install the plugin for developing:

git clone .
cd aiida-sssp-workflow
pip install -e .  # also installs aiida, if missing (but not postgres)
#pip install -e .[pre-commit,testing] # install extras for more features
verdi quicksetup  # better to set up a new profile
verdi calculation plugins  # should now show your calclulation plugins

Or you can install it from pypi by:

pip install aiida-sssp-workflow

To use this plugin you show have aiida-quantumespresso plugin installed and configure codes for and

Add the following line into activate script file to enable the autocompletiom of cammand line interface:

eval "$(_AIIDA_SSSP_WORKFLOW_COMPLETE=source aiida-sssp-workflow)"

Moreover, enable the caching of and can save time and computational resource in running the verification.


A quick demo of how to submit a verification through command line:

verdi daemon start         # make sure the daemon is running
aiida-sssp-workflow workflow launch verification -w 5400 -X qe-6.5-pw@daint-mc -Y qe-6.5-ph@daint-mc -D 4 ../psp/sg15/Si_ONCV_PBE-1.2.upf --daemon

The options of aiida-sssp-workflow workflow launch verification are:

Usage: aiida-sssp-workflow workflow launch verification [OPTIONS] PSEUDO

  Run the workflow to calculate delta factor

  -X, --pw-code CODE              A single code identified by its ID, UUID or
                                  label.  [required]

  -Y, --ph-code CODE              A single code identified by its ID, UUID or
                                  label.  [required]

  -P, --protocol TEXT             The protocol used in verification.
                                  [default: efficiency]

  -D, --dual INTEGER              The dual between ecutwfc and ecutrho.
                                  [default: 8]

  -x, --clean-workdir             Clean the remote folder of all the launched
                                  calculations after completion of the
                                  workchain.  [default: False]

  -m, --max-num-machines INTEGER  The maximum number of machines (nodes) to
                                  use for the calculations.  [default: 1]

  -w, --max-wallclock-seconds INTEGER
                                  the maximum wallclock time in seconds to set
                                  for the calculations.  [default: 1800]

  -i, --with-mpi                  Run the calculations with MPI enabled.
                                  [default: True]

  -d, --daemon                    Submit the process to the daemon instead of
                                  running it locally.  [default: False]

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.